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Unlearn: Expecting People to Show Up

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

Wouldn’t it be great to have a person knocking on your front door claiming that they are the answer to all your prayers?

Knock, knock.

Who is there?

It is me, the person who you have been waiting for your whole life. The person that you were waiting on to motivate you to workout or send in that application. It is me, the person that is here to “save” you. That would be great, wouldn’t it?

Wouldn’t it be great to have a person knocking on your front door claiming that they are the answer to all your prayers? Finally, someone has come to the rescue.

Let’s be real sis, real life does not work like that. In real life no one is going to “come to the rescue”. If you ask me, I blame Disney.

In almost every movie there is a princess crying and someone is there to rescue them. Whether it is a fairy godmother, prince or seven dwarfs, there is always someone there. Now, no hate towards Disney, but I do believe because of the things that we have seen on television, social media or even read in books, we expect for there to be a knock at the door at any moment.

But waiting for a knock at the door will leave you in just that stage - waiting.

Waiting gives you the excuse to put off the things that you were meant to do. You might start to say, “well maybe this is not the right time” or “it is not perfect enough”.

Can I tell you something? The time you were waiting for that door to knock, you could have been doing what you needed to do. There is an old saying that opportunity knocks, but to be honest, you need to give opportunity a reason to knock. You can’t sit in the house all day and just wait for something to happen. Do what you can now and trust me, a knock will come.

Show up for you, even when no one else will.

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